Do we need a paracetamol for depression?

It's rightly said, "Depression is a war - you either win or die trying". With this piece of text, I want to highlight the reason for depression among the students and which leads to suicides in worst. In our country suicide cases are rising at a very rapid rate with around 800000 people die every year within the age group 15-29 years. An article in The Hindu newspaper dated 29th Jan 2020 gave an estimate of 28 people lose this war with depression every day. When discussing this topic with my parents, they just turned the head & replied, "these students were lazy enough to compete with other students & out of laziness took a shortcut path".Is it right to only blame students.  Let's unfold the pages of the darkest & worst policies of our education institution, this would be the first article which shall be speaking on such cruelty over students. Case study 1: Central board secondary education (CBSE)  around 7 to 8 years back launched a scheme known...

You’re staying home and you need a distraction😷

Hey guys,

We live in scary times. Many people across the earth are sick of Coronavirus. India, Spain, and France are on lockdown. The US has issued a travel ban. Some of the countries even closed their borders, blocking non-citizens from entry. Those who aren't, are being encouraged to stay away from public spaces. Schools, Colleges, movie theaters, restaurants, gyms, playgrounds, bars😉: all closed.

So you are home and you need a distraction, let me help😁. Below are a few suggestions for what to watch, what to do, what to avoid, and how efficiently you can spend your quarantine without getting bored.

People may say, Who cares about entertainment when millions are suffering? That's right. And yet it may provide an escape to these bad times. below are some suggestions.

Movies and TV shows:

Some of last year’s Oscar-nominated movies are now available to stream, including: 
"The Irishman" and "Marriage Story" on Netflix.

"Parasite, (makes history as the first Korean movie to win any Oscars)" "Knives Out," "Uncut Gems," "Ford v Ferrari," "1917," "Jojo Rabbit,(One of my favorite movies of all time😊)" "Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood," are available on Amazon, Torrents and other digital video platforms.

What else you can do:

  • Complete the puzzles!
  • Help needy. spread smile.
  • Write poetry/movie scripts or short stories, I don't know 😄. Just try it!
  • Teach your self a foreign language or an Indian language.
  • Meditate.
  • Learn music😄.
  • And yes sleep, try to get lots of it😂.

What to avoid:
Its just an opinion!

  • Bullshit Media.
  • Fights with siblings. instead, you can just ignore them😏.
  • Over-eating.
  • Panicking (The coronavirus panic is dumb!).
Feel free to suggest me.

Remainder:  PM Modi has appealed citizens to switch off electric lights at 9 pm on Sunday for nine minutes, and light candles or diyas, or flash torchlight or mobile lights standing at their doorsteps or balconies.
Let's defeat the darkness of despair and light our lives with Hopes.

Repeat: Sunday is an INDOORS show of solidarity. It is NOT diwali.


Just clarifying


At 9pm


Whether you turn the lights off or not


your choice


but light a candle

or use a flashlight
No party outside
No Go Corona parade
Stay the hell....INDOORS.

Take precautions and stay safe. peace.


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